Q. Are all breeds of dogs accepted for a class at Northwest Obedience Club? A. Yes, we accept any size dog, pure bred or mixed breed.
Q. How long are the class sessions? A. Our class sessions are 7-weeks long. We do have some exceptions due to unexpected events. If a class session is reduced in length, fees are prorated.
Q. How long does the class run? A. All classes are scheduled to be 50 minutes in length.
Q. When is my deposit/payment due to hold my place in a class? A. All deposits and registrations for classes need to be received 7 days prior to each start date of a class session. Please visit our Class Sessions and Class Schedules pages for more information.
Q. Where can I get more information about becoming a member of Northwest Obedience Club?
Q. Should I bring my puppy the first night of puppy class? A. No, however, you can contact the class Instructor for more information on your particular class.
Daily Communication
Next General Meeting: Friday, February 21, 2025 7:30pm
110 W Woodstock Street, Suite 2A
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
*847-639-3377 (voicemail only) NOCI is an all-volunteer organization; if you have questions and need a response, you will need to email Northwest Obedience Club.
NOCI 71st Anniversary Banquet
Northwest Obedience Club
2024 Awards and
71st Anniversary Banquet
Sunday April 13th
(HALF COURSE/NO COURSE SET UP: If we have a half course/no course set up for the weekend you may add jumps, tunnels and weaves to the course as you wish. On HALF COURSE/NO COURSE weekends you do not need to clean up any equipment after the rental is done.)
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